
In May of 1995 our food bank was formed by a group of people with the desire to help people who are in a crisis situation.

In the beginning we set up 9 depot locations in and around our community. These depot volunteers would open up their homes to people who would come and receive perishable and non perishable food supplies on a weekly basis.

In 1996 we developed a program called Cooking On a Budget Program
This program was designed by a certified nutritionist who met on a weekly basis any one who would like to learn how to shop for food supplies, prepare foods and meals on a fixed income.
This program followed the Canada Health Food Guide and received a great response from those who attended this program.

In 1997 we had to make changes to our services to our community. Due to the lack of financial support our food bank had to cut back our services and as a result of this we closed down all of our depot locations in our community and left only one location for food supply pick up. This location was at our office and as a result of this we had to change our format.

Since then we have remained a sturdy structure in our community helping those in a crisis.

Our office hours are from 10am till 2pm from Monday through Thursday





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